Xin Wen
- Office Address:XUEFU BLVD 999, Information Engineering College of Nanchang university, Room A114
- Email:wenxincs@163.com
- Educational Attainment:Postgraduate Student
- Specialty:Computer Science and Technology
- High Performance Cloud Computing System
- Serverless Computing Optimization
Awards, Honors, and Research Impacts
- China National Scholarship
- Star of Self Reliance and Self-improvement of Chinese University Students
- Second Prize of China Postgraduate Mathematical Modeling Competition
- Special Prize of Jiangxi Postgraduate Mathematical Modeling Competition
- Second Prize of China Postgraduate Electronic Design Competition of Central China
- Third Prize of Shanghai Jiaotong University Weining Health Intelligent Medical Competition
- Second Prize of Blue Bridge Cup C/C++ Group
Personal info
- Interests: bilibili, Listening music, All Sports, LOL